长期现货供应EN590-10PPM (低硫柴油) 原产地:荷兰(Netherlands),交易方式:FOB TTV或 FOB TTT;可交易港口:ROTTERDAM, JURONG, FUJAIRAH;支付方式: MT103 / TT ;每月可供应量100万吨,10万吨起单;买方介绍人固定佣金为5美金/吨,长期有效。(注:买方的CPA或TSA公司必须欧洲的公司,买卖双方在交易中避免地区时差问题在工作中造成延误,同时买方要能在CPA或TSA签署公司,进行DTA 或TTVIA 或TTTIA的背书授权签注)。Commodity: DIESEL EN590-10PPMSpecification: Refer to ANNEX AOrigin: NetherlandsQuantity: 100,000 MTFOB Price: Gross USD$520 per MTPayment: MT103 / TT – UPON DIP TEST SUCCESSFULLYDelivery Terms: FOB IncotermsDischarging port: Jurong port ,SingaporeContract Period: One year (12 months) with Roll & ExtensionInspection: SGS/CIQ or EquivalentTank Extension Fee: Not ApplicableInjection Fee: NilOthers Charges: Without Any Upfront Fees / Charges & No Hidden Cost交易程序: TRANSACTION PROCEDURE: (TANK TO TANK . TANK TO VESSEL)1. Buyer confirms soft offer and issues ICPO along with Charter Party Agreement(CPA) for seller's approval.2. Seller issues commercial invoice (Cl) for the available quantity in the seller'sstorage tank, Buyer signs Cl and return.3. Seller provides the following Partial Proof of Product (PPOP) documents to thebuyer.*Tank storage reservoir receipt *Product passport report*Title Transfer Affidavit document *Certificate of origin*DTA (to be endorsed by buyer and buyer shipping company to program dip test in seller's tank)4. Buyer conducts the quality and quantity SGS inspection. Upon the satisfactorydip-test report, the buyer pays the seller for the total cost of the product.5. The seller transfers title to the buyer and injects the product into the buyer'sreservoir or vessel. Necessary documents like the irrevocable Paymaster Agreement(IPA) or Tank to Vessel injection agreement (TTVIA) is signed by the seller andbuyer before pumping.6. The seller pays commissions to all intermediaries within 48 hours after receivingpayment from the buyer.7. The seller and buyer sign a contract for a 12-month shipment if necessary andsatisfactory. The buyer schedules for the dip test at the seller's tank storage有真实力资源的居间人或买家,可以来合作。但是不懂国际贸易的或不懂石油行业,请不要来打扰-------成年人的世界,只筛选,不教育。
发布时间2024/12/17 16:47

长期现货供应EN590-10PPM (低硫柴油) 原产地:荷兰(Netherlands),交易方式:FOB TTV或 FOB TTT;可交易港口:ROTTERDAM, JURONG, FUJAIRAH;支付方式: MT103 / TT ;每月可供应量100万吨,10万吨起单;买方介绍人固定佣金为5美金/吨,长期有效。(注:买方的CPA或TSA公司必须欧洲的公司,买卖双方在交易中避免地区时差问题在工作中造成延误,同时买方要能在CPA或TSA签署公司,进行DTA 或TTVIA 或TTTIA的背书授权签注)。Commodity: DIESEL EN590-10PPMSpecification: Refer to ANNEX AOrigin: NetherlandsQuantity: 100,000 MTFOB Price: Gross USD$520 per MTPayment: MT103 / TT – UPON DIP TEST SUCCESSFULLYDelivery Terms: FOB IncotermsDischarging port: Jurong port ,SingaporeContract Period: One year (12 months) with Roll & ExtensionInspection: SGS/CIQ or EquivalentTank Extension Fee: Not ApplicableInjection Fee: NilOthers Charges: Without Any Upfront Fees / Charges & No Hidden Cost交易程序: TRANSACTION PROCEDURE: (TANK TO TANK . TANK TO VESSEL)1. Buyer confirms soft offer and issues ICPO along with Charter Party Agreement(CPA) for seller's approval.2. Seller issues commercial invoice (Cl) for the available quantity in the seller'sstorage tank, Buyer signs Cl and return.3. Seller provides the following Partial Proof of Product (PPOP) documents to thebuyer.*Tank storage reservoir receipt *Product passport report*Title Transfer Affidavit document *Certificate of origin*DTA (to be endorsed by buyer and buyer shipping company to program dip test in seller's tank)4. Buyer conducts the quality and quantity SGS inspection. Upon the satisfactorydip-test report, the buyer pays the seller for the total cost of the product.5. The seller transfers title to the buyer and injects the product into the buyer'sreservoir or vessel. Necessary documents like the irrevocable Paymaster Agreement(IPA) or Tank to Vessel injection agreement (TTVIA) is signed by the seller andbuyer before pumping.6. The seller pays commissions to all intermediaries within 48 hours after receivingpayment from the buyer.7. The seller and buyer sign a contract for a 12-month shipment if necessary andsatisfactory. The buyer schedules for the dip test at the seller's tank storage有真实力资源的居间人或买家,可以来合作。但是不懂国际贸易的或不懂石油行业,请不要来打扰-------成年人的世界,只筛选,不教育。



本圈子打造国际贸易中石油能源行业的哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯、荷兰、炼油厂的销售公司、销售代表,租船公司及租罐公司的业务代表、石油产品的真实卖方和真实买方,或买卖双方的居间人进行合作交流平台,欢迎有实力、有能力的居间人来赚取石油产品交易中的丰厚佣金;加入后可自由交换名片,查看联系方式。圈内有炼油工厂销售代表、经销商,石油产品买方代表、经销商;长期供应:原油(ESPO)、超低硫柴油(EN590)、 航空煤油 (JET A1/ 54)、燃料油(MAZUT M100 GOST) 、 液化天然气(LNG)、 液化石油气(LPG)、 石油焦(PET COKE 含硫在1.0%至6.5%)、轻质循环油(LCO)等石油产品市场行业人脉,帮助你快速对接相关商机、资源、项目、合作机会等。期待你的加入,圈内可以踊跃发布行业相关信息哦!


本圈子打造国际贸易中石油能源行业的哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯、荷兰、炼油厂的销售公司、销售代表,租船公司及租罐公司的业务代表、石油产品的真实卖方和真实买方,或买卖双方的居间人进行合作交流平台,欢迎有实力、有能力的居间人来赚取石油产品交易中的丰厚佣金;加入后可自由交换名片,查看联系方式。圈内有炼油工厂销售代表、经销商,石油产品买方代表、经销商;长期供应:原油(ESPO)、超低硫柴油(EN590)、 航空煤油 (JET A1/ 54)、燃料油(MAZUT M100 GOST) 、 液化天然气(LNG)、 液化石油气(LPG)、 石油焦(PET COKE 含硫在1.0%至6.5%)、轻质循环油(LCO)等石油产品市场行业人脉,帮助你快速对接相关商机、资源、项目、合作机会等。期待你的加入,圈内可以踊跃发布行业相关信息哦!